Building OpenCTR

This page is for users who wish to download and build OpenCTR from source. Normal users should download a pre-built binary at Releases.

Even when building and installing OpenCTR from source, remember to add the runtime install directory to the PATH variable, or to create a new environment variable named CTR_ROOT which contains the root install directory for OpenCTR.

Getting Started

To build the OpenCTR SDK from source, the following prerequisites must be installed:

Follow the guide for your platform:

After everything is ready, proceed to Building for instructions on building and installing OpenCTR.



Add screenshots to help Windows users.


Download and install CMake from

Download and install Python from

Download and install Git from

Optionally, download the latest from Extract it, and place ninja.exe in your PATH. Ninja is not required but it is recommended, because it produces much faster build times.


On Windows we’ll be using mingw-get to install several dependencies.

Download mingw-get-setup.exe from Open mingw-get-setup.exe and install it.

After MinGW has been installed, you need to make sure that C:\MinGW\bin has been added to your PATH. Open a command prompt (WinKey+R - Type “cmd” - Hit Enter) and enter the following command:

mingw-get --help

If you get a message displaying help information for mingw-get, the test succeeded and MinGW is installed and ready for use. Otherwise, you still need to add MinGW to your PATH. This can be dangerous if done improperly, so you should find a guide for your specific version of Windows.

Afterwards, install several dependencies:

mingw-get update
mingw-get upgrade
mingw-get install mingw-get
mingw-get install gcc
mingw-get install g++
mingw-get install msys
mingw-get install msys-m4
mingw-get install msys-wget
mingw-get install msys-patch
mingw-get install msys-autoconf
mingw-get install msys-automake
mingw-get install msys-bash
mingw-get install msys-bison
mingw-get install msys-flex
mingw-get install msys-make
mingw-get install msys-libtool
mingw-get install msys-gawk
mingw-get install msys-binutils

To build the OpenCTR documentation, Sphinx must be installed. Follow the setup instructions here.

Mac OS X


Download and install CMake from

Download and install Python from

Download and install Git from

Alternatively, all 3 dependencies can be installed with Brew:

brew install cmake # or cmake30
brew install python3
brew install git

See Brew for more on installing Homebrew.


Xcode 5 or later is required. Xcode can be installed from the Mac App Store on Snow Leopard (10.6) or later.

After installing Xcode, several command-line tools must be installed. Open Terminal, and enter:

xcode-select --install

You should get a popup window asking you to install the developer tools. Click “Install” to download and install the Xcode Command Line Tools.

If you get an error saying that the command line tools are already installed, you can ignore it. It just means that you have already installed the Xcode command line tools.


Install - the missing package manager for OS X.

After Homebrew has been installed, use it to automatically fetch and install several required dependencies for building OpenCTR.

brew install autoconf
brew install automake
brew install libtool
brew install pkg-config
brew install bash
brew install bison
brew install cloog
brew install doxygen
brew install gawk
brew install gcc
brew install gettext
brew install gmp
brew install mpfr
brew install mpc
brew install isl
brew install sphinx
brew install wget
brew install ninja


Your specific instructions depend on which Linux distro you are running. If your distro is not listed here, consult the documentation for your distros package manager, and install all of the dependencies list listed above.

If your distribution is listed here though, just enter the commands listed, and you should be all set.

It is also recommended that users install a terminal emulator (GNOME Terminal, Konsole, Terminology, mxrvt, xterm) or an IDE (Code::Blocks, Codelite, Anjuta, Eclipse CDT). This may not be neccessary, as your distro may already come with a terminal emulator pre-installed.


sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake autoconf automake m4 libtool \
                     pkg-config bison doxygen gawk gcc g++ gettext \
                     python3 python3-sphinx wget ninja-build git-core

Fedora/Red Hat

sudo yum install python3-devel freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ cmake autoconf \
                 automake make m4 libtool pkgconfig bison doxygen gawk \
                 gettext python3 python-sphinx wget ninja-build git


1. Clone the GitHub Repo

git clone OpenCTR
cd OpenCTR

2. Create the build dir

CMake works best with out-of-source builds, so create a separate build directory.

mkdir build
cd build

3. Generate build files using CMake

Use CMake to generate the build files for downloading, configuring, building, and installing the OpenCTR sub-projects. It is recommended to use a “Makefile” or “Ninja” generator for CMake; it increases the chances of a successful build.

CMake uses the value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to decide where to install OpenCTR. OpenCTR installs everything to a sub-directory named OpenCTR. For example, if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to $HOME/Install, then OpenCTR will be installed to $HOME/Install/OpenCTR.

cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local

CMake will check to make sure all dependencies are satisfied. If a required package could not be found, CMake will exit with an error message. Just fix whatever the problem was, and re-run CMake.

One of the benefits of out-of-source builds is that removing generated build files and cruft can be done by simply running rm -rf *. DO NOT RUN THIS IN AN IN-SOURCE BUILD. It will delete all your source files if you run it from inside the source dir. But if the build dir is separate from the source dir, the entire build dir can be deleted to completely wipe out all traces of the previous build.

4. Build OpenCTR

After CMake has finished generating the build files, it is time to build OpenCTR.


Wait for OpenCTR to finish building. This can take awhile, up to several hours depending on your machine.

5. Install OpenCTR

Assuming Step 4 was successful, it is now time to install OpenCTR system-wide.

ninja install

Be sure to add OpenCTR/bin to your PATH.